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Goal big or go home

Another successful season is in the books for our Varsity and 16U/Prep Hockey teams.

Over the weekend both teams took home a win in the School Division of the Coupe Challenge Québec AAA presented by the Bob Bissonnette Foundation. It was the last game of the season for both teams and we couldn't be more proud of our entire Elite Hockey Program.

As we look back on their outstanding season, we applaud our teams for their big wins including the Varsity team who won the Midwest Prep Hockey League Championship for the first time ever. Shortly thereafter, our 16U/Prep Hockey team won the NISIC U16 championship.

A huge thank you to all our coaches, parents, fans, and players for another rewarding hockey year. Even though we said goodbye to the ice at the end of last week in Memorial Arena, the blood, sweat, and tears of our hardworking hockey teams will not be forgotten. Until next fall, hockey fans!