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Photo of the Day

Technically speaking

We were happy to welcome back Bea Crowther, BCS'18, at the beginning of the week to talk to our theatre students.

Throughout the week she has been offering her time to teach interested students about the technical side of theatre (lighting, sound, etc...) in the R. Lewis Evans Memorial Theatre during lunch. Today, Bea also gave a short presentation during Ms. McGie's Form III Drama class. With one year under her belt from the National Theatre School of Canada, Bea is eager to share her knowledge with interested students. Fun fact: the Production Design and Technical Arts Program that she was accepted into only accepts seven students a year!

Bea will be staying on Moulton Hill for a few weeks to help Ms. McGie organize, do inventory, and make a list of what we need to update our theatre. A huge thank you to Bea for spending her time off to share her expertise with our students.