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Express Yourself


Whether you're a budding artist or just a dabbler, there are many opportunities to get creative at BCS.

Creative minds can work together and join clubs and classes to express themselves artistically, these include the Yearbook Committee, Inscape (our award-winning literary magazine), Film Studies, Robotics, Public Speaking, and more!  Students also have the opportunity to participate in artistic school-wide events such as Comic Con and the Stoker Arts Festival and we regularly encourage our students to share their talents during our morning assemblies in chapel. Scroll down to learn more about our various artistic endeavours.

With so many different opportunities to develop your inner artist, how will you unleash your creativity at BCS?

It’s hard to pinpoint just one thing because there is so much about BCS that has changed me, but my love for the arts and my creativity really developed here.

Bea Crowther, BCS'18

Chapel Performances

We regularly have students (and alumni!) perform in chapel during the week. It's a great way for students to share their talent with the community and practise performing in front of an audience.

If a student is interested in sharing their talent (whether it be singing, playing an instrument, or performing spoken word poetry—just to name a few) they simply need to reach out to our Organist and Choir Director, Mme Maryse Simard.

Comic Con

BCS Comic Con, now in its fifth year, is a fun day jam-packed with plenty of activities like an art booth display, board games, trivia contests, costume contests, and guest lectures. Students have the opportunity to join the Comic Con Committee to plan and run this action-packed event!


Our award-winning, student-run magazine, Inscape, features drawings, paintings, photography, stories, and poetry—all created by our students themselves.

Our most recent editions

Podcast Studio

Launched in time for the 2019-20 school year, our state-of-the-art podcast studio features four dynamic microphones along with a mixing board, modular lighting, and a dual monitor computer set up with a full suite of audio software.

Students have access to the studio through class and activity club time, as well as for their own interests. Our R.D.W. Enrichment Centre also hosts regular podcasts with students who have benefitted from the services offered. 

The Podcast Club

Spearheaded by Mr. Draco Szathmary and students Kokomi Y., Form VI, Valerie F., Form VI, and Jérémy L., Form VI, the podcast club is a student-led initiative to provide news of life and events around campus. They conduct interviews with various staff and faculty over a wide range of subjects, from theatre to sciences and more. They are even looking to have guest interviews with former alumni. The project is still in its infancy, yet there is plenty of room to grow and flourish. 


Episode 1

Episode 2 | Winter Carnival

Episode 3 | Crease

Episode 4 | The BCS Players' Club with guest Ms. Miranda McGie

Student public speaking in front of group of people

Public Speaking

We regularly offer and participate in public speaking opportunities such as the QAIS Public Speaking Competition, the Canadian Federation of University Women's Public Speaking Contest, and the Rotary Speaking Competition.

Students have the opportunity to hone their craft by creating persuasive speeches and practising them in chapel in front of their peers.




In this course students will learn the science of Robotics using the latest Lego Mindstorms education kits and program. Team building, hands-on activities, and collaborative learning are stressed.

Each student is exposed to a variety of fun problem solving activities, designed to familiarize them with robot building materials.

There is an emphasis on overcoming challenges using engineering techniques, creative design and unique thinking.


student building robot

Students holding up art work they drew

Stoker Arts Festival

The Stokers (yes, THAT Stoker!) are a BCS and KHC legacy family. The Stoker Arts Festival was created in 1991 in memory of Shirley H. Stoker, KHC’46, who was the first woman Chair of the Association Board.

The festival is held every year in the spring and is comprised of various workshops run by local artists. Our students choose their preferred activity and over the years these have ranged from mixed martial arts to bannock-making, knitting to fine oil painting. They also have a chance to display their own talent in an exhibition of student works.

The exhilarating and creativity-inducing day always concludes with a live concert performance in the Quad by local Sherbrooke-area musicians.


Every year, a new Yearbook Committee is formed from student volunteers. Led by a Faculty Advisor, the committee works hard from September to June to document the full school year in a new, published book for each student to cherish for years to come.

Read through past publications here—dating all the way back to 1920.


Inside pages of the yearbook

Alumni in the Arts