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Williams House


Williams House sign

W’s for winners and Williams' gonna win! Win with love, win with pride, that's how it's always been!

Williams spirit runs deep. We have BBQs, serving up delicious food. We have good snacks for sale and lots of movies available for movie nights. Some of our traditions: the annual curling day in Lennoxville, cake for birthdays, and celebrating victories with pizza parties.

Williams House Group Photo

What's in a name

Williams House has had several names over the years: Standish House, Wilkie’s House, Waddie’s House, and Pop Page’s House. It was eventually determined that it would be known as Williams House—named in honour of BCS’ fifth Headmaster, Reverend James W. Williams. Williams served the BCS community as Headmaster from 1857 to 1863, when he was appointed the fourth Bishop of Quebec. Years later, his son, Lennox, would become the sixth Bishop of Quebec.

During his lifetime, Reverend, and then Bishop, Williams participated vigorously in the development of the Protestant public school system in Quebec and collaborated with Sir Alexander Galt in drawing up Section 93 of the British North American Act (Constitution Act, 1867), which conferred upon Parliament the responsibility of protecting the educational rights of minorities.

Williams House Tie

Williams House Tie


Williams Houseparents through the years

J. G. Patriquin 1953-1955 • E. B. Pilgrim 1955-1960 • A. P. Campbell 1961-1982 •Charles & Patricia Peacock 1983-1992 • Jane Jelowicki 1992-2002 • Patricia Lisson 2002-2007 • Monica Schafer 2007-2014 • Denis Dandurand 2014-2017 • Randy Maxfield 2017-2018 • Megan Lindsey 2018-2023 • Quinn-Issla Rochester 2023-Present